Wishing all my wonderful customers a Happy New Year
Thick Stripy Blue Surfite Pendant Necklace
Blue and Red Stripy Surfite Pendant Necklace
Green Royston Turquoise Pendant Necklace
Pilot Mountain Turquoise Pendant Necklace
Gram Stain Microbiology Silver Necklace
Climbing Hold Studs - Small Pinch
Climbing Hold Studs - Textured Jug
Climbing Hold Studs - Jug with screw
Climbing Hold Pendant - Small Pinch
Climbing Hold Pendant - Textured jug
Climbing Hold Pendant - Jug with screw
Silver Book Charm Pendant
Large Sonoran Turquoise Hoops
Small Light Blue/Green Veined Trillion Tibetan Turquoise Silver Hoops
Small Blue and Black Veined Trillion Tibetan Turquoise Silver Hoops
Small Blue/Green Trillion Tibetan Turquoise Silver Hoops
Small Blue Trillion Tibetan Turquoise Silver Hoops
Large Blue Sonoran Turquoise Hoops
Stripy Californian Surfite Silver Earrings
Colourful Oregan Surfite Silver Earrings
Deep Red Pietersite silver earrings
Chunky Round Oval Larimar Silver Pendant
Light Blue Oval Larimar Silver Pendant